Throughout generations the stresses that women face has changed and evolved. Back in our grandmothers youth or even earlier the attitude towards women was very much a sexist view. Women had their place in society and it was that of a good wife, mother and homemaker. It was unheard of for women to dare to dream, have careers or make decisions for themselves or their families without the consent of their husbands. Single mothers, teen pregnancy and divorces were a rare occurrence back in those days and if it was to take place it would be frowned upon with great scrutiny. Today, how times have changed. Women are independent, liberated, and free to make their own choices and to be the masters of their own destiny. These day’s women are very much self sufficient and a man is not required to be successful and live a happy and satisfying life.

In my career I have had the pleasure of working with many different people from various ages, races and cultures, including the elderly. Working so closely with aged people has opened my eyes to the vastly different lifestyle they experienced in their younger years to that of today. It is quite humorous to see that so many of them still judge a person on whether they are single or married. Several of them often question my relationship status and when I have answered single, a look of shock comes over their face. I have even been asked “why, what is wrong with you”! I can understand that it is difficult for the elderly to fathom why a beautiful 24 year old girl is still single, as this was uncommon in their youth. But I find it hard to believe when this kind of outlook comes from a person who is not that different in age to me.

Certainly I do not see anything wrong with being single. Some of the happiest times of my life so far have been as a single girl. Why do I need a man to justify who I am? Should it not be enough that I am a happy, healthy, ambitious, and a well rounded young woman? It is this kind of backwards attitude that really bothers me. I am proud of who I am, with or without a man by my side. Why should it be seen like a disease if a person is single? Or the assumption made that they are gay. Of course it would be an amazing experience to find a man who can provide me with a relationship that we are both 100 percent happy in, but discovering that is not as easy as it seems. Never again do I want to be one of those people that settle for someone who I am not completely fulfilled by just for the sake of being in a relationship. Where is the bliss in that?! I believe it is incredibly important to determine who we are and what we want from this life as individuals before being able to make a full commitment to another human being. Life to me is all about learning, growing and achieving happiness. People are still able to accomplish these things regardless of whether they are single or in a relationship.

Each day many thoughts wander through our minds and frequently these thoughts can be so critical and ruthless. Usually it is not towards other people but the people we can have the most brutal thoughts about are ourselves. There have been days where sometimes I feel that I am my own worst enemy. Women today put so much pressure on themselves to have it all and be the best at it all. From succeeding at having a top career and looking good, to being a great partner, wife, mother, daughter, friend and keeping up with not only home duties but also finding time in our busy schedules to enjoy life. Although women are more liberated in today’s modern world, with this also comes an increased amount of stress and new demands.

It is debateable if life was easier many years ago for our ancestors, as I am sure that women in the early to mid 1900’s faced many different hardships compared to that of today. However there is no denying the fact that times have changed. For the better or worse, who knows? All that I can tell you is that we must live life to the fullest and to the best of our ability. People are always going to judge and analyse others no matter the times or the person. Human strength is an amazing thing and I believe that women today are much better equipped to tackle just about anything life throws our way.

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